Command Line Hermes

In order to understand how hermes works as a command line tool, you need to know what hermes (execution) files are and how they work. They specify what is executed, but also allow to direct hermes to perform specific IO-operations. Here’s a simple example:
-ca networks/
-gamma 0.995
--env cartpole
[[python,, -lr 0.001],[-ca]]
[[python,, -lr_actor 0.003 -lr_critic 0.001],[-ca]]

As you can see, hermes files are typically divided into four sections

  • Within PRE, settings for hermes are specified, here we set that at most 2 threads may run in parallel,

  • STD-H contains standard options for hermes, in this case -ca networks/ (more on that later),

  • STD-E contains standard script (execution) options, here we specify that each script is provided with -gamma and --env cartpole

  • and finally EXEC specifies what is actually executed, namely some imaginary DQN and Actor-Critic training script

In order to execute this hermes file under the name test_agents, we call hermes from the command line:

hermes exec -f -n test_agents

Hermes now first compiles the given hermes file and finally executes the following jobs

python 2021_07_25_160008326976_1930e -gamma 0.995 --env cartpole -lr 0.001
python 2021_07_25_160008438012_1930e -gamma 0.995 --env cartpole -lr_actor 0.003 -lr_critic 0.001

Each job can be thought of as carrying out an experiment. Before experiments are executed, hermes creates a unique experiment identifier as well as an experiment directory for them. Assuming your .hermes_settings specify path_to_experiments:”.”, these directories are


Because we specified -ca networks/ at STD-H level and -ca as well as -ca respectively at the EXEC level, hermes is instructed to copy those files into the experiment directories after the jobs are finished. This can be useful for archiving purposes and works with all kinds of files, not just python files.

Specifying each file that should be moved individually can be highly inconvenient, so Hermes is also able to automatically move files that are created within the working directory, from which hermes exec is called. For this to work the names under which these files are saved must include the experiments unique hermes identifier, e.g. 2021_07_25_160008326976_1930e in the case of

A necessary restriction this imposes on your scripts is that they need to treat their first command line argument as this exact identifier. For more information on this also see the dedicated CLI documentation.